Drilling Rigs:
- Super-fast hydraulic rigs for efficient drilling.
- Rigs suitable for 4½”, 6½”, and 8½” borewells.
- Advanced robotic rigs for confined or complex areas.
- High-pressure air compressors for effective rock penetration.
- Essential for deep borewell drilling.
Casing Pipes:
- Durable PVC or steel pipes to prevent borewell collapse.
- Available in various diameters for different needs.
Water Pumps:
- Submersible, jet, and hand pumps for water extraction.
- High-capacity pumps for industrial and agricultural purposes.
Survey Equipment:
- Tools for groundwater detection and site analysis.
- Advanced geophysical instruments to ensure accuracy.
Flushing and Cleaning Tools:
- Borewell flushing machines to clean and maintain old wells.
- Tools for removing debris and silt from clogged borewells.
Cutting Tools:
- Drill bits and cutters designed for hard rock and soil drilling.
- Specialized tools for core drilling and geological exploration.
Telescopic Drilling Tools:
- Multi-depth drilling equipment for precise borewell installations.